November 08, 2016

My precious girl, how I miss you so! No sweeter dog ever lived, and I was privileged to be your mom for 10 1/2 years. The way you'd wave and/or clap when you were happy or excited was just one of the many cute things you did that made you so special. I'll miss those big, soulful eyes and the loving way you always looked at me.... and your cute little under-bite. This last year was a challenge for both of us, with the progressing arthritis in your hips that ultimately became crippling, and the diagnosis last December of kidney disease. But, we fought it for 8 months and maintained the quality of your life with the special diet, supplements and home hydration treatments, and you were such a brave girl to go through that! It was so hard watching your body and mind deteriorate over the months, but old age just took its toll - way too soon. By mid-August, you started going downhill rapidly, and I think you were ready to go; I saw that pleading look in your eyes. I hope you know that saying goodbye was one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever had to do in this life. I cry for you every day, my baby, but just try to picture you running free in a sunny meadow playing with all the other fur kids at Rainbow Bridge. Run free and wait there for me, angel girl, and we'll cross it together when I get there. Mia and I miss you now, and I will forever miss you until that day we're reunited.
Love you with all my heart,
Mom xo