Sheba Avendano
January 16, 2009

Yesterday we said goodbye to our beautiful dog Sheba and I can't begin to tell you the pain that we are feeling in our hearts. Sheba was our beautiful dog that we shared 8 wonderful years with. She was loyal and was our best friend. We told her how much we love her and how much she meant to us. Sheba was suffering with pain because the cancer had spread rapidly. Our hearts ache with pain knowing that we will never see her again. We will miss her meeting us at the door when we get home from work and will miss her going crazy barking at the sound of the mail man putting the mail in the slot - she hated it for some reason, but it was funny to see her get all mad. Sheba was a total lap dog and she was full of love.
She died with all of us there as we all held her and kissed her and told her she was beautiful and that she was the best! I saw her little eyes closing and she looked so peaceful and then she just slept. We will always remember you, Sheba, with love and I know that we will one day be with you again!
The Avendano Family