CeBonne The Great
January 14, 2009

CeBonne (the Great), my dear old bunny companion, passed to the other side today, 01/12/2009, around 9:30 a.m. He was an indepedent trooper of a bunny, and I used to joke that he was like the Archer Bunker of bunnies in his last ol' man bunny days. For a bun, he lived past all expectations, at least 11 years, and I will always be greatful for his cozy, cuddly companionship. I can't wait to see him again someday on the other side, and I hope that, until then, he enjoys playing, running, and jumping in his sunny rainbow valley fields.
I love you Mr. Bun and will miss you very much until we meet again! Enjoy your new freedom on the other side, and I'll see you soon!
Love Forever and Ever,
Your mom, Michelle Pappalardi