August 06, 2014

My beautiful Gracie passed away early in the morning of July 4th. She was diagnosed with nasal carcinoma on March 25th, the doctor gave her 3-4 months to live. We decided that we would shower her with love and keep her comfortable for her remaining time with us. Gracie thrived, I could see that she was fighting too. She seemed to grow stronger each day. She looked forward to her walks each day, her appetite was better than it had ever been,(Gracie was always a picky eater). She used to just nibble all day, but now she was eating all of her food at meal time. She was still very playful, we thought she was going to make that doctor out to be a liar. Then, on the night of July 3 she went into a seizure. I knew then that we would have to make that dreaded decision! It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, to let her go, but I know now it was the right thing to do. I loved her too much to let her suffer. I was singing to her as she took her last breath, and my angel quietly and peacefully crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.
From the first day you came to live with us 14.5 years ago Gracie you filled us with love and joy. My life was forever changed because of you little girl. You taught us lessons on unconditional love. Your loyalty was so comforting. Our home is not the same because you're no longer in it. Though you left us with a treasure chest of wonderful memories, there is a huge void in our hearts. I will treasure the time we had with you, sweet Gracie. I still can smell you, so I know that you are here with me, I just wish I could see you and touch you. One day we will be together again, but until then run and play and chase lizards (Your favorite sport) . Lay in the sun and walk among the meadows. Wait at the Rainbow Bridge for me. You will be in our hearts forever.
Mama loves you sweet Angel