Sharlot, 2001 - 2012
January 11, 2013
From mommy:
Sharlot, I love you so much. It's hard for mommy to understand why you had to go. You are my daughter and I hope I could make you happy the way you always made me happy. I hope to be the person you thought I was. I miss you so much already, my loved baby girl. Oh God it's hard.
For those who knew Sharlot, you saw how perfect, beautiful, wonderful and pure she was. She had such a beautiful heart and soul. Sharlot, I will miss our conversations, especially after mommy put Olivia to bed and came downstairs. We had nice conversations baby. I will miss feeding you every morning, sleeping with you in bed, and giving you "ossinhos" and see you jumping with happiness. I will miss to run my fingers through your hair, and of course, I will miss the hugs and kisses, oh God I will miss that. Sha I'm so sorry that you will not meet your brother or sister in person, but I will tell him/her all about you when the time comes. I know I will see you soon, but this time away from you has already been unbearable. Sha, your sister Olivia is asking for you. I told her you are up there in the sky. I love you forever Sharlot, unconditionally forever!!!! Sha, don't worry about mommy. I will be fine, it is just too much pain now, but with time, I will have just the great memories you left me and what makes it easier is that I know I will see you again. It is the only thing that keeps me together. Thank you Sharlot for choosing me as your mother, I had the best daughter a mother could have asked for. I love you my angel!
From daddy:
Sha, papi ama!!! I didn't know you until you were 3.5. I remember when I first met you and you came right up to me. You were so loving from the first time you saw me. I am so fortunate to have known you the last 8 years. I never was a dog person until you came into my life. You showed me how great it was to have such a loving daughter. You were taken away so suddenly and so early. We were not prepared. I am comforted that you did not suffer. I gave you belly rubs this morning and you were so happy. Thank you for all the unconditional love you gave us. I hope we gave you all the happiness that you truly deserved. You will never be forgotten and you will always be in our thoughts and hearts. This house will always feel empty without you. You may have been small, but you had a big heart and a big personality. I love you and miss you so much!! Papi ama!!!!
Mommy Aline, daddy Wouter and little sister Olivia.
07/11/2001 - 12/21/2012

Sharlot, I love you so much. It's hard for mommy to understand why you had to go. You are my daughter and I hope I could make you happy the way you always made me happy. I hope to be the person you thought I was. I miss you so much already, my loved baby girl. Oh God it's hard.
For those who knew Sharlot, you saw how perfect, beautiful, wonderful and pure she was. She had such a beautiful heart and soul. Sharlot, I will miss our conversations, especially after mommy put Olivia to bed and came downstairs. We had nice conversations baby. I will miss feeding you every morning, sleeping with you in bed, and giving you "ossinhos" and see you jumping with happiness. I will miss to run my fingers through your hair, and of course, I will miss the hugs and kisses, oh God I will miss that. Sha I'm so sorry that you will not meet your brother or sister in person, but I will tell him/her all about you when the time comes. I know I will see you soon, but this time away from you has already been unbearable. Sha, your sister Olivia is asking for you. I told her you are up there in the sky. I love you forever Sharlot, unconditionally forever!!!! Sha, don't worry about mommy. I will be fine, it is just too much pain now, but with time, I will have just the great memories you left me and what makes it easier is that I know I will see you again. It is the only thing that keeps me together. Thank you Sharlot for choosing me as your mother, I had the best daughter a mother could have asked for. I love you my angel!
From daddy:
Sha, papi ama!!! I didn't know you until you were 3.5. I remember when I first met you and you came right up to me. You were so loving from the first time you saw me. I am so fortunate to have known you the last 8 years. I never was a dog person until you came into my life. You showed me how great it was to have such a loving daughter. You were taken away so suddenly and so early. We were not prepared. I am comforted that you did not suffer. I gave you belly rubs this morning and you were so happy. Thank you for all the unconditional love you gave us. I hope we gave you all the happiness that you truly deserved. You will never be forgotten and you will always be in our thoughts and hearts. This house will always feel empty without you. You may have been small, but you had a big heart and a big personality. I love you and miss you so much!! Papi ama!!!!
Mommy Aline, daddy Wouter and little sister Olivia.
07/11/2001 - 12/21/2012