Nano Juarez
October 09, 2012
Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him."
Genesis 2:18

Enano came into the Juarez's life a tiny white cotton ball. Like a cloud handed down to us from the heavens, he brought us moments of joy and happiness to fill a lifetime. He was a family member to us and a companion to his kin, Teddy, and a shepherd to us all. Words cannot describe the emptiness left in our hearts by him, but solace is brought in knowing that he is once again reunited with his friend freckles to run amongst the clouds and chase each other to their hearts content. He was and forever will be part of lives and will be missed dearly. We love you and will miss you "ici nano."
Genesis 2:18

Enano came into the Juarez's life a tiny white cotton ball. Like a cloud handed down to us from the heavens, he brought us moments of joy and happiness to fill a lifetime. He was a family member to us and a companion to his kin, Teddy, and a shepherd to us all. Words cannot describe the emptiness left in our hearts by him, but solace is brought in knowing that he is once again reunited with his friend freckles to run amongst the clouds and chase each other to their hearts content. He was and forever will be part of lives and will be missed dearly. We love you and will miss you "ici nano."