In Loving Memory of Our Dearest Mixie (2001-2012)
May 18, 2012

In loving memory of our dearest Mixie (6/16/2001-5/08/2012)
I remember when we first saw you, the only black/tan female puppy among 3 others. You have brothers who are bigger and stronger but YOU captured our heart. Even though the breeder is offering us the stronger puppy because you were the runt of the litter, we refused because we really wanted you and we had a created an immediate bond the first time we held you.
We brought you to our home and we were so worried because you were so little. We can't even find a collar for your neck because everything was so big for you. We did find you a nice ball and you immediately fell in love with it. You just love fetching and don't get tired doing it.
Remember our walks in Poway Lake? You just love strolling around the lake with us. You also love running with me. I was so proud of you when you first run the Doggie Dash with me and we both finished my very first 5K run. You love running with me so much that you ended up with a herniated disc. I still remember the look of your face, how worry you were because you couldn't stand up. And you tried so hard to scoot around. The trip to the ER was not fun at all. I was so unsure about how are they going to fix your legs. After your surgery, you still were unable to walk but we painstakingly rehabilitated you, squeezed your bladder all day long so you won't have any infections. My mom would exercise your legs so you can gain strength. You had no idea how happy I was after you were able to stand up on your own after a couple of weeks. In about a month, you were able to gain mobility and able to walk again. You gave us so much hope that one day you will be able to run around and fetch the ball again.