Sandy (1995-2012)
May 18, 2012

Sandy, our cat, died last night after a short illness with renal failure. She was in ICU. I visited her the day before and held her in my arms and kissed her for an hour. I think she was just waiting to say goodbye. She died in her sleep.
Sandy was sixteen years old and was always in perfect health. My son, Jim, found her in a dumpster at his work and gave her to his sister, Kelly for my grandchildren. Kelly did not want her and my grandson, Devin cried so that we took her. At that time, we had a cat, Tammy who was the matriarch of our street and Buster, our dog, both getting old. Sandy was very wild and did not trust man or beast. I kept her in a cage and kept it in our laundry room so she would see the other animals going in and out the doggie door. I took her out every day to get used to everyone. One day she wanted to get to something and stood on Buster, fell and landed in his lap. He turned, her eyes got big with fright, and he kissed her. After that she was fine, When Tammy and Buster died 6 weeks apart (Buster I think died of a broken heart as he kept looking for Tammy), I think my husband and I would have never recovered from the loss if it wasn't for Sandy. Sandy loved to be kissed. She had feistiness, too, which can be seen by the scars on my hands and arms. She will be missed by her parents, Susan and Richard, her dog sisters, Moo, Lady, and Trixie, her uncles Devin and Justin, her aunt, Coryn, and great aunt Carol and her sister Kelly.
-Susan Hawryla