Orson Wells
April 23, 2012

Thank you peaceful paws for such a lovely presentation of our beloved pets' remains. Your company provides a wonderfully unexpected service. Having been through this before, we are so very impressed with the care you took.
A little memorial to remember our best friend with..
Our Dearest Orson:
The day you came into our lives seven years ago as a rescue was a gift of grace we will forever be grateful for. You have taught us such lessons of patience, unconditional love & loyalty. All of the great dog-like attributes you provided will be part of us forever. You followed us everywhere and acted like you were a lap puppy. You passed within two weeks of your diagnosis of a terrible cancer. The hardest decision of our lives was to let you go fast so you wouldn't suffer. We are still in shock but we are blessed: we are seeing, smelling, feeling your angel dust everywhere. I hope we forever do so. Miss you so much... You are safe now, you will never feel pain, hunger or fear again. May you stay with your maker forever, you have earned your permanence in the heavens. Chase butterflies all day: once in a while you would catch a spider and let it go as you wouldn't know what to do with it because you did not have a mean streak in your body. You are one of your parents greatest teachers. We are forever humbled by your stay with us.
We are so very proud of you.
See you soon lion heart.
Love and gratitude,
Mom & Dad
Aylin & R. Kelly Wells