August 31, 2011
May 5, 2003 - August 28, 2011

Bart...We knew this day would come but this was far to soon. You have always been our little buddy and helped us through the most difficult times of our lives. I feel like you were a little angel sent here to help us get through the loss of both Colton and Aurora. You were a part of their lives and they loved you. You have been a link to was as though as long as we had you we still had a part of them. Now, we have a part of you in our hearts and memories and they have you. I still can't believe that you won't be here with us like you have been every day since you were born. Thank you for being a special part of our lives. The amount of pain we are experiencing now just proves how much we loved you and what a big part of our family you were. I hope they have "timber tigers" in heaven for you to chase. Good-bye for now "Little Buddy". We'll meet again when it's our time.
We love you Barty!!
Doug, Lisa and Sammi

Bart...We knew this day would come but this was far to soon. You have always been our little buddy and helped us through the most difficult times of our lives. I feel like you were a little angel sent here to help us get through the loss of both Colton and Aurora. You were a part of their lives and they loved you. You have been a link to was as though as long as we had you we still had a part of them. Now, we have a part of you in our hearts and memories and they have you. I still can't believe that you won't be here with us like you have been every day since you were born. Thank you for being a special part of our lives. The amount of pain we are experiencing now just proves how much we loved you and what a big part of our family you were. I hope they have "timber tigers" in heaven for you to chase. Good-bye for now "Little Buddy". We'll meet again when it's our time.
We love you Barty!!
Doug, Lisa and Sammi