Georgia 2001 - 2011
January 28, 2011

Georgia, we are missing you so much these days. You gave us so much joy for so many years. You would fall asleep in the funniest positions always making us wonder how you were comfortable and running for the camera to capture your pose. This Navy family made you a transcontinental dog, born in Virginia Beach, living most of your years in Spain and leaving earth for dog heaven from Coronado, California. You are the only dog we know that could bark in both English and Spanish. Your paw prints are still in the dust on the wooden floors and your nose smudges on the windows, we can't bring ourselves to wipe them away. Your favorite thing in the world was to go for a walk and regardless of the weather we walked you twice a day, everyday. On the cold, dark morning of January 13, 2011 you gave your life to spare your owner's while on a walk. You took the brunt of the blow from the car so dad could live. We will forever be grateful to you.
Love, Mom & Dad, Christopher & Lauren