I Will Let You Go

I will let you go We lie on your bed, you're in quiet rest
The medication makes you sleepy
But I think it is best.

Doctor's words, my broken heart
I cannot imagine
Us being apart

I cuddle up beside you, so I can be near
And whisper the words I love you
As I kiss your sweet ear

Desperate for those moments, I didn't let it show
That I've loved you every second
Hoping that you know

I look into, your dark brown eyes, I know the end is near
I try to cloak my sadness
I blink away my tear

I don't want you to leave me, I don't feel ready yet
But I want your peace and freedom
From all this pain and fret

I can't believe it's time, how I love you so
I don't know how I'll manage
But, I will let you go

— Joanna Woronchak

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